India to Canada via Sri Lanka

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India to Canada via Sri Lanka.- Students, work visa holders and Canadian nationals who are stuck in India have tried almost all the options. Be it Mexico, Maldives, Qatar or Albania. Some routes proved to be fruitful, however after the changes due to govt policies few gave nightmares also.

Though direct flights have started, however still it is a better deal to travel via 3rd country.

About Canada’s Ban on Covid !

For periods, nonstop flights within India and Canada is not working due to the evolution of the delta variant in India. Originally, people stuck in India anticipated that this prohibition will be cleared by time. Nevertheless, it did not happen and it’s been nearly 6 months since the ban is there.

The ban is actually on RTPCR test reports of India and not on Indian citizens. Anywho wants to fly from India will have to take the RTPCR test negative reports from a 3rd country to become eligible to travel to Canada.

Notwithstanding, People stranded in India discovered their access to Canada through indirect routes. In the past 3 months, hundreds of travellers reached Canada via indirect routes.

India to Canada via Sri Lanka

India to Canada via Sri Lanka– Sri Lanka our neighbouring country has opened its borders for Indians as On 19th August 2021 as per the freshest update from Sri Lankan authorisations, it is initiating border entry for vaccinated Indians with several if’s & but’s though.

Are Indians allowed to Enter Sri Lanka?

Only Wholly Vaccinated Indian travellers and global tourists disembarking from India are authorised under this route. Un-Vaccinated or Partly Vaccinated commuters are not granted entry. No former permission is needed from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or Civil Aviation Authority.

Is there any quarantine rule for Indians after entering Sri- Lanka?

No, as of now there is no Quarantine rule for Indians after entering Sri Lanka. One will have to stay at “L1 Safe and Secure” 3 stars or above category hotel.

How many nights is required to stay in Sri Lanka if one wants to enter Canada legally ?

As mentioned on the top, Canada has not imposed any restriction of days on travellers from India. The restriction is on the RTPCR test report from India. If one is able to get an RTPCR test report from any other country except India., then he/she will be eligible to enter Canada with all valid documents.

This means indeed if someone is staying in Sri Lanka for 2 nights, then also they can progress to Canada 🙂

What points should be taken care of before planning travel to Canada via Sri Lanka

Entirely Vaccinated Passengers from India who have performed the prescribed doses of COVID-19 vaccination and landing after 2 weeks of completion of vaccination will be considered under this route. COVID 19 recovered travellers progressing to Sri Lanka with a single shot of vaccine will be regarded as ‘fully vaccinated’. The vaccination certificate should designate that the vaccination course has been completed following the direction of one dose. Any vaccination type accepted by the country of origin is acceptable.

Prior to boarding, travellers are required to:

a. Have a valid tourist visa before boarding a flight. All visas must be applied online. Visit

b. Before applying for a visa, ensure you have the following.

i. A pre-paid booking at an “L1 Safe and Secure” 3 Star or above category hotel for the first 2 Days until the on-arrival PCR test is performed.

A pre-paid booking/s at 3 stars or above category hotel/s for the rest of stay. Hotel booking/s could be made directly with the hotel or through ‘Safe & Secure’ certified travelPlease information.

ii. Pay for the mandatory COVID-19 local travel insurance cover at USD 12 for a policy of USD 50,000 up to a period of one month (including children below 2 years).

iii. Pay for the on-arrival PCR test (USD 40 per PCR test). Children below 2 years are excluded from PCR tests.

iv. Please visit to pay for your COVID 19 Insurance & PCR tests. Also to obtain your unique tourism reference number required to apply for the visa.

c. Have a negative PCR test done within 72 hours prior to embarkation (Children below 2 years are excluded).

d. Airport transfers to be arranged by either the respective Certified Safe & Secure hotel or Certified Safe & Secure travel agent.

Can one with Covaxin travel to Canada via Sri Lanka from India?

As per the official circular “Any vaccination type accepted by the country of origin is acceptable”. Though Indians can travel to Sri Lanka with Covaxin doses, one will not be exempted from Quarantine after reaching Canada.

Also read –Can I Travel To USA With Covaxin Vaccination?

What documents can be asked at airport to travel to Sri Lanka ?

Documents can be asked at the airport to travel to Sri Lanka?

a. Negative COVID-19 PCR test report (English) taken within 72 hours prior to embarkation

(excludes children below 2 years).

b.Original vaccination certificate/card.

c.Completed Health Declaration Form.

What are the RTPCR guidelines and requirements ?

On arrival PCR test & leaving the bubble:

a. On arrival PCR test is performed at your “L1 Safe and Secure” 3 stars or above category hotel and upon a negative on Arrival PCR test report, travellers can leave the bio-bubble. The respective hotel doctor or Hotel Management will issue a “Discharge Document” upon verifying the status of vaccination and PCR test results.

b. The travellers are required to continue the rest of their stay at 3 stars or above category hotels.

c. Unvaccinated Children between 2-18 years are allowed to leave the bio-bubble with fully vaccinated parents upon a negative on arrival (Day 1) PCR test. However, these children should undergo a COVID-19 PCR test (arranged by the Hotel) on Day 10 after arriving in Sri Lanka from a Ministry of Health approved Private Sector or State Sector Laboratory. The results should be immediately informed to the area MOH by telephone or email.

Are there good flight connections from Sri Lanka to Canada?

One will have to do a thorough search to find good connections between Sri Lanka and Canada. There are flights connections but the demand is too high 🙂

One can check flight connections on cheapo Air

Also readBest indirect routes from India to Canada

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. 468beabf15fc8288ad4fc7e78a215fda

    can i travel to canada from colombo via london to toronto on british airlines plz let me know

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