FIFA world cup a Masterstroke by Qatar

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FIFA world cup a Masterstroke by Qatar. Since Qatar gained the right to host the FIFA World Cup, its abilities have been questioned by the entire world.There were numerous grounds for this, including the size of the nation and its most developed city, Doha, to hold this type of event, the country’s restrictions because of its religious beliefs, and the infrastructure in 2010.

The first thing that sprang to everyone’s thoughts was why a nation in which football is not particularly well-popular would be interested in hosting the world’s most expensive tournament. Why did a country whose infrastructure in 2010 was not ready for hosting this type of event, desperately want the contendership ?

Also, read – Qatari residents are instructed to be hospitable during FIFA world cup

FIFA world cup a Masterstroke by Qatar

Now in 2022, when FIFA world cup is going to be happening in next few days, the world has understood that getting FIFA world hosting was actually a masterstroke by Qatar. When we look back at history, we observe that Qatar was once seen as just another nation in the Middle East that took an isolationist stance toward the rest of the world.However, Qatar wanted to change its approach, they never wanted to be restrictive. We are able to see how Qatar has benefited economically and politically from its adoption of globalization within last decade.

Qatar actually wanted to put this approach in front of the world, that they are ready for trade. They are ready to invest and they are ready to explore all the opportunities around the globe.

FIFA world cup gave wings to this motive of Qatar to the world. Qatar’s intention was never to earn money by FIFA, however it was to showcase its intention of globalisation . It was to make world familiar with the land of Qatar.

Globalisation with limitations by Qatar

Even while Qatar has made it clear that it wants to get along with the rest of the world, the country is nevertheless making sure that the values of its faith are upheld. There is a possibility of leniency, but there will not be any free ground. For example –

Qatar has become a bit lenient in serving alcohol during the FIFA World Cup, but it will not be fully available. Also, Qatar has given the assurance that LGBT community won’t face issues while world cup in Qatar. They will not be punished to hold hands in Stadiums.

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