Can I travel from Serbia to USA on Turkish Airlines?

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Can I travel from Serbia to USA on Turkish Airlines? If you are interested in this article, you must be travelling to USA using Serbia as the layover. The reason you are travelling from here is a presidential proclamation by USA CDC authorities. As per the proclamation, to contain the spread of the Corona Virus direct USA has banned direct flights from few countries.

Visitor Visa Holders who are stuck in these banned countries are using indirect routes to reach the USA. Serbia is one of the countries which is being used to travel to USA from these banned nations.

Which countries are affected by the Presidential proclamation in the USA?

With specific exceptions, several Presidential proclamations suspend and limit entry into the United States, as immigrants or nonimmigrants, of noncitizens who were physically present within the following countries during the 14-day period preceding their entry or attempted entry into the United States. For a full list of exceptions, please refer to the relevant proclamations in the links below.

Can one travel from Serbia to the USA on a visitor Visa during the presidential proclamation?

Where almost all Schengen European countries are part of the proclamation, Balcan European countries are the exception. Someone non-having a past history of banned countries can fly from Serbia to the USA on a visitor visa. We have arranged services for more than 300 travellers and almost 170 of them have already reached the USA from Serbia.:) Also, read – Can I travel to USA on B1/B2 Visa?

Travelled from Serbia to USA
Travelled from Serbia to USA

Why are some airlines not taking visitor visa holders to USA ?

There is a lot of confusion among travellers on how to choose a valid Airline to travel to the USA. We have seen people denied boarding because those airlines were not allowed to take visitor visa holders to the USA.

There should be a thumb rule while deciding on Airlines. If the airline is transiting from any country given in this list, then you should only refrain from travelling in that airline even if you are travelling from any country.

Can one have a transit in Istanbul from Serbia to Travel to USA?

Turkey has direct flights from Serbia. Its Turkish airlines operate to Serbia from Turkey. As of 27th August 2021, there are no restrictions to travel from Serbia to Instanbul.” However, things are so dynamic that one should always the latest restriction status before booking any itinerary”.

Yes, Serbia to the USA with transit in Turkey is possible if one is travelling on a visitor visa 🙂

Can I travel from Serbia to USA on Turkish Airlines?

Yes, as of now people who are in Serbia for the last 14 nights can travel from Turkish airlines to the USA. We know how hard it is to get confirmation from the embassy and airlines. Customer care executives of Turkish airlines are just like robots and they would never give you any sought of confirmation on this. There the only answer would be to check with the embassy.

One can check flight connections on cheapo Air

When embassies are contacted, they also do not give you any clear answer. Though our travellers have already reached the USA, things are changing rapidly we would always suggest you keep your mind and eyes open and only then go for booking.

Also, read – Can I travel to USA with Covaxin Vaccination?

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. B35fd9f2c4d589e4d071684a2dfcdd72

    Can I spend 15 nights in Romania instead of Serbia if I have a valid visa to enter Romania?
    Its relatively safe covid wise.

  2. Dcee80588c8f50ff2fc8e92e25fd8aef
    P Vishnu Sai

    Can one travel to USA on B1B2 visa from Belgrade to zurich ( Transit) and Zurich to JFK. My parents were deided the boarding from the immigration officers. After I booked Air Serbia direct flight to JFK even though they didnt allow them to Travel. What would be the reason. Kindly reply

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