Are students facing problems in Serbia while layover for Canada ?

Are students facing problem in Serbia while layover for Canada ?– There are travellers who in the time of Covid 19 travelling to Canada via 3rd country indirect route . These routes are Via Mexico, Serbia, Cairo, Albania etc . People are getting information from youtube and google regarding the feasibility of routes, layovers and flights .

Please note – Serbia has applied 7 nights quarantine rule for Indians as on 11 July 2021

Are students facing issues while travelling from India to Canada Via Serbia ?

Its an hypothetical question, as it depends on every particular case , but if everything from your side is valid with complete documentations then there is no reason that you will be facing any issues in Serbia .

Is Serbia going to Ban flight from India ?

They have imposed 7 nights quarantine on Indians wef 11th July 2021 but there is no signs of banning Indians

As of 11 July 2021 there is no reason with Serbia for closing its doors for Indians .However again we would like to keep it clear that future is uncertain and no one can really give any confirmation.

Few Important documents that is required to be checked before stopover to Serbia while travelling to Canada –

  • Valid passport with more than 6 months of Validity at the time when you are departing from India
  • Valid Canadian Visa
  • Valid Reason to travel in this Non essential times
  • Latest Health Card
  • University Documents
  • Insurance for your Serbia stay
  • Hotel Vouchers for your Serbia Stay
  • More than 50 Euro per day of your stay in Belgrade
  • Your Quarantine stay proof in Canada
  • RTPCR negative test report from India
  • RTPCR negative test report from Serbia

Please refer the link from Serbian authorities here

Also please reconfirm all other documents as in your case you might need more

I have Checked on Youtube, as per you tubers Serbia is creating problem for Indians to Travel to Canada !

Youtube is a platform where any one having “knowledge or not” can show creativity. 90% of the people putting content there are not experts and putting their experiences which is not applicable for everyone around the world.

We request you to always have expert advice before taking any decision about your travel arrangements .

Only we have sent more than 300 Students from India to Canada via Belgrade, Cairo & Mexico and none of them had to face any issues.

However no one can really give confirmation in this Covid times if later all these routes will be Valid or not . With the change in Visa policies there can always be problems from any route .

Also see – 2 nights layover in Serbia , 4 nights layover in Serbia

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