Can an Indian travel to Jordan using Visa On Arrival ?

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Visa On Arrival for Indians in JordanUnlocking the Mystery of Visa on Arrival for Indians in Jordan

Are you an Indian traveler planning to visit the enchanting country of Jordan? If so, you might have encountered a maze of information, misinformation, and confusion regarding the Visa on Arrival (VoA) process. It seems that neither the Jordanian Embassy nor the Indian Embassy is doing a stellar job at clarifying this issue for potential travelers. In this blog, we aim to demystify the Visa on Arrival for Indians in Jordan and provide you with a clear understanding of the options available. Can an Indian travel to Jordan using Visa On Arrival ? Let us see

Paths to Enter Jordan

First, let’s shed light on the various ways Indians can enter Jordan:

  1. E-Visa: The easiest way is to apply for an E-Visa online. This method allows you to obtain your visa before you even set foot in Jordan, eliminating any uncertainties at the border.
  2. Stamp Visa: You can also acquire a visa through the Jordanian Embassy in India, which involves a stamp in your passport indicating that you have the necessary permission to enter Jordan.
  3. Visa on Arrival: The topic of our discussion today, Visa on Arrival, allows you to get your visa right at the Jordanian border or airport upon your arrival.
  4. Through a Local Jordan Licensed Travel Agency Approval: Alternatively, you can choose to have a local Jordanian travel agency handle your visa arrangements on your behalf.

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room: the confusion surrounding the Visa on Arrival option.

The Confusion Surrounding Visa on Arrival for Indians to enter Jordan

In the age of social media, forums, and YouTube, it’s easy to get lost in a sea of conflicting information. Many self-proclaimed experts, bloggers, and travelers have shared their experiences and opinions without proper verification. This misinformation has created unnecessary anxiety among future travelers, leading them to opt for the seemingly safer E-visa or Stamp Visa options. Some even speculate that the Jordanian Embassy prefers this uncertainty to promote the use of Stamp Visas.

Numerous videos and posts claim that Jordan has discontinued the Visa on Arrival facility for Indians. Others suggest that it’s only available to Indians with USA, UK, Schengen visas, or Gulf resident permits. Meanwhile, some maintain that Indians can easily travel to Jordan without any stress upon arrival. The result? Utter confusion.

Let me tell you one thing: you won’t find a single person who was deported back to India on any social platforms; everyone is just searching for the horns. If you are able to find someone, ask them the reason; you will get to know how people travel ill-prepared. Some without return tickets, some with less than 6 months of passport validity, some without a visa for their next destination—and there are many more reasons like these. If one person is granted an Arrival visa, the other cannot be denied after having all valid documents.

There are a few websites that claim that Visa on Arrival is not eligible for Indian travelers in Jordan; the main reason for them giving misleading information is to sell their E-visa services and earn money. We encountered with reputed websites with misleading information, and we forced few to correct the information by giving them legal threat.

The Truth About Visa on Arrival for Indians in Jordan

Let’s cut through the confusion and get to the facts. If local Jordanian travel agencies can arrange visas for Indian travelers with certainty without requiring any legal documents before the journey begins, then how do Indian immigration and airlines allow travelers to fly? They wouldn’t have E-visas, Stamp Visas, or any other proof that a local travel agency has secured their arrival. This indicates that Indian immigration and airlines treat these travelers as Visa on Arrival cases. Their primary concern is the type of visa, not the assurance from a travel agency.

This evidence supports the claim that Visa on Arrival is still very much valid for Indians. The only difference is that travel agencies often request and secure passport information in advance, simplifying the approval process. However, if you choose not to use an agency, you can still obtain Visa on Arrival by completing the approval process yourself. This additional step might appear daunting, but it’s far less complicated than it seems.

To address a common concern, some travelers have reported arriving in Jordan at night when the responsible immigration officer was unavailable. In such cases, they had to wait for the officer to arrive and approve their entry. While this delay can be frustrating, it doesn’t invalidate the Visa on Arrival option.

It’s worth noting that industry experts might not openly discuss this process because promoting Visa on Arrival might deter travelers from using their services, potentially impacting their revenue.

The Bottom Line

Visa on Arrival is a valid option for all Indian travelers, regardless of their visa or residency permit status. While having visas from Western countries may expedite the approval process slightly, there’s no need to worry excessively. Ensure you have all the required documents, and you can enjoy your visit to Jordan without unnecessary stress or confusion.

In conclusion, when it comes to traveling to Jordan as an Indian, you have several options, including Visa on Arrival. It’s essential to research and understand the process, verify information from reliable sources, and make informed choices that suit your travel plans. Jordan welcomes Indian travelers, and with the right preparation, your journey can be smooth and hassle-free. So, pack your bags, embark on your adventure, and savor the beauty and culture that Jordan has to offer.

Here is what The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Ministry of Interior E-Services Site states –

  • First: Nationalities that do not require prior approval to enter the Kingdom and may obtain a visa immediately upon the completion of the application and payment of visa fees
    • Categories of nationalities that do not require prior approval :
      • Visitors of the nationalities (Including India)
      • Visitors of the Arab nationalities (you can check on page), provided that the visitor possesses a residence of not less than 6 months in one of these countries, click (list mentioned on actual page, including India), or possession of a Schengen visa or a visa for the United States of America, valid for a period of not less than 6 months, and possession of a return ticket in the event that the method of departure is by air
      • Visitors with the following foreign nationalities ( excluding India ) provided that the visitor has at least 6 months’ residence in one of these countries Click here to see (excluding India) or possess a Schengen or United States visa valid for at least 6 months and hold a return ticket if the departure method is by air
  • Second : Nationalities that require prior approval to enter the Kingdom, and they may obtain a visa after submitting an electronic application, completing the necessary approvals, and paying the visa fees
    • Categories of nationalities that require prior approval :
      • For all nationalities and cases that do not meet the conditions in the first item, You have to register and log in to submit visa applications for nationalities that require prior approval
  • Third : A visitor of Syrian nationality from the following categories does not require prior approval ( entry visa ) and may come directly to the territory of the Kingdom:
    • Those who have never visited Jordan and who have residency for a period of not less than 6 months in one of the following countries : ( GCC, USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, South Korea )
    • Those who have previously been in Jordan on a regular basis and left Jordan on a regular basis on the Syrian passport with which entry was made to Jordan, and who have residency for a period of not less than 6 months in one of the following countries : ( GCC, USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, South Korea )
    • Investors with an investor card (A, B) issued by the Ministry of Investment and their family members with investor family cards
    • Syrian investors in the free zones with an investor card from the free zones and their family members with ( investor family card )
    • Owners of companies and investing partners, and the amount of the partnership share is 50,000 dinars or more, and their family members ( husband/ wife/ son/ daughter ), provided that the son/ daughter is not married
    • Syrian sons and husbands of Jordanian women and Jordanian wives
    • For the rest of the categories of Syrian nationality, please login and submit a visa application for nationalities that require prior approval

To reach out to this information, find this informational text on page –

To know more about the nationalities that can apply for this visa services and applications submission procedureClick Here
You just need to click on click here on the actual page of official website

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