Rent a car vs Public transport from Lisbon to Faro?

Portugal is a beautiful country and if you are visiting for any reason, be it a vacation, business or a family visit, you should never miss the opportunity to explore the country. There are different modes of transportation between different cities and spots. We are specifically going to discuss on rent a car vs public transport from Lisbon to Faro in this particular article.

How can one rent a car in Portugal to travel from Lisbon to Faro?

Just like in any other European country, renting a car in Portugal is also recommended. There are no procedural flaws and it is usually considered safe to self drive a car in Portugal. There are many platforms with the help of which one can rent a car in Portugal. One can also do it offline at the moment, however, it is always recommended to get it booked before you arrive.

License requirement to rent a car in Portugal

  • Portugal recognizes valid foreign driver’s licenses that are written in a Latin alphabet and if you’re visiting for a shorter period than six months.
  • If you’re in Portugal for longer than six months or are living there permanently, the law requires you to obtain a Portuguese driver’s license
  • If your driver’s license is printed in a non-Latin alphabet (Cyrillic, Arabic, etc.), you’ll need an International Driving Permit (IDP).
  • Similarly, if your driver’s license doesn’t show your photograph, you might be required to have an IDP instead.
  • Even if you have an IDP, you must also carry your original driver’s license as you might be required to present both.
  • You must carry your driver’s license, not a copy, with you at all times.
  • You need to have had your driver’s license for at least two years.

Road Infrastructure from Lisbon to Faro?

From Lisbon to Faro it is around 290 km that is 3 hours journey. The roads are quite well equipped and smooth. There are no major issues while you drive from Lisbon to Faro. Portugal’s road infrastructure that connects to the major cities is already very good. Though roads that connect to villages do need improvement the country is working on that.

Things to see from Lisbon to Faro in your rented car

  • Vila Franca de Xira
  • Car Taxo
  • Santarem
  • Torres Novas
  • Constanica

Rent a car vs Public transport from Lisbon to Faro

There are trains and buses that travel from Lisbon to Faro and return. As it is only almost a 3-hour journey the train or bus rides are also quite comfortable to do along with rent and self-driving a car. However, there are a few points that you should consider –

Flexibility when you rent a car from Lisbon to Faro

There are particular timings of the buses and trains that travel from Lisbon to Faro. If those timings are suitable, then one can opt for public transport. However, if you want to travel as per your own will, you should always rent a car from Lisbon to Faro.


Though Portugal is generally safe even if you are using a means of public transport in odd timings. There are no such regular incidences in public vehicles or areas. The buses are quite smooth, also the trains. When you rent a car and drive from Lisbon to Faro, you face any major safety concerns.


It is obvious that after the covid outbreak people are now more concerned about hygiene when they travel. A private that is hired from a well-renowned rent car company will always prove to be Hygienic if compared to any public transportation.

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