Please be noted – As per Indian authorities, if your flight is under Air Bubble, then you should have a return ticket and you are expected to come back to India. We request you to please obey all the guidelines issued by the Indian govt and that should never be breached.
Wef 2nd August 12:00 Noon anyone travelling to Qatar for tourism even if Vaccinated will have to go through 10 Nights Mandatory hotel Quarantine
After a long wait, there is an update from Qatar that they will be allowing people from India to get into the country. This has made many people happy who were waiting for this.
Qatar Travel restrictions for Indians wef 12th July
An Update on Qatar Airways website
Effective 12 July 2021, the State of Qatar will permit entry to travellers holding tourist or family visas, who are fully vaccinated with a vaccine recognized by the Ministry of Public Health. They may not need to quarantine on arrival.
Indian Nationals: A free tourist visa upon arrival for a period of (30) days, which can be extended for a similar period.
•Valid passport for at least six months.
•Confirmed return ticket.
•Confirmed hotel reservation in one of the country’s hotels during the visit period.
•Fully vaccinated with vaccines approved by the Ministry of Public Health, and completing a period of 14 days after the last dose.
•Must have a certificate confirming negative PCR test completed during the 48 hours from the time of arrival.
•Electronic registration on the Ehteraz platform (WWW.EHTERAZ.GOV.QA) to obtain the approval of the Ministry of Public Health before travelling.
•Passengers who have not received both doses of the vaccine 14 days prior to arrival will NOT be allowed to enter.
Similarly, citizens and residents of Qatar and GCC residents who are fully vaccinated or are immune following recovery from infection in the last 12 months and returning from countries including those on the yellow and red list can also return without the need to quarantine.
Red list countries by Qatar Govt
COVID-19 Red List Countries
S No Country / Territory Country Code Continent
1 Afghanistan AFG Asia
2 Albania ALB Europe
3 Andorra AND Europe
4 Angola AGO Africa
5 Argentina ARG South America
6 Bahamas BHS North America
7 Bangladesh BGD Asia
8 Belarus BLR Europe
9 Benin BEN Africa
10 Bolivia BOL South America
11 Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH Europe
12 Botswana BWA Africa
13 Brazil BRA South America
14 Burkina Faso BFA Africa
15 Burundi BDI Africa
16 Cameroon CMR Africa
17 Cape Verde CPV Africa
18 Central African Republic CAF Africa
19 Chad TCD Africa
20 Chile CHL South America
21 Colombia COL South America
22 Congo COG Africa
23 Costa Rica CRI North America
24 Cuba CUB North America
25 Dominican Republic DOM North America
26 Ecuador ECU South America
27 El Salvador SLV North America
28 Eritrea ERI Africa
29 Fiji FJI Oceania
30 Gabon GAB Africa
31 Gambia GMB Africa
32 Georgia GEO Eurasia
33 Ghana GHA Africa
34 Guatemala GTM North America
35 Guinea GIN Africa
36 Guyana GUY South America
37 Haiti HTI North America
38 Honduras HND North America
39 India IND Asia
40 Iran IRN Asia
41 Iraq IRQ Asia
S No Country / Territory Country Code Continent
42 Kazakhstan KAZ Asia
43 Kenya KEN Africa
44 Kyrgyzstan KGZ Asia
45 Laos LAO Asia
46 Lebanon LBN Asia
47 Lesotho LSO Africa
48 Liberia LBR Africa
49 Libya LBY Africa
50 Madagascar MDG Africa
51 Malawi MWI Africa
52 Malaysia MYS Asia
53 Maldives MDV Asia
54 Mali MLI Africa
55 Mauritania MRT Africa
56 Moldova MDA Europe
57 Mongolia MNG Asia
58 Namibia NAM Africa
59 Nepal NPL Asia
60 Nicaragua NIC North America
61 Niger NER Africa
62 Nigeria NGA Africa
63 Pakistan PAK Asia
64 Palestine PSE Asia
65 Panama PAN North America
66 Papua New Guinea PNG Oceania
67 Paraguay PRY South America
68 Peru PER South America
69 Philippines PHL Asia
70 Russia RUS Europe
71 Saint Kitts and Nevis KNA North America
72 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VCT North America
73 Seychelles SYC Africa
74 Sierra Leone SLE Africa
75 Somalia SOM Africa
76 South Africa ZAF Africa
77 South Sudan SSD Africa
78 Sri Lanka LKA Asia
79 Sudan SDN Africa
80 Suriname SUR South America
81 Syria SYR Asia
82 Tajikistan TJK Asia
83 Tanzania TZA Africa
84 Togo TGO Africa
85 Trinidad and Tobago TTO South America
86 Tunisia TUN Africa
S No Country / Territory Country Code Continent
87 Turkmenistan TKM Asia
88 Ukraine UKR Europe
89 United Kingdom GBR Europe
90 Uruguay URY South America
91 Uzbekistan UZB Asia
92 Venezuela VEN South America
93 Yemen YEM Asia
94 Zambia ZMB Africa
Also read – India to Saudi Via Qatar
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