China Gears Up for Spring Festival Tourism Boom with Special Offers and Services

Ruchita Bhatt, Feb. 7

As the Lunar New Year approaches, tourist destinations and tourism firms across China are gearing up for an influx of holidaymakers by rolling out preferential policies and enhancing their services.

Key Highlights:

  1. Spring Festival Preparations: With the upcoming Spring Festival holiday from Feb. 10 to 17 expected to draw large crowds, scenic spots in various provincial-level areas have introduced discounts and even free entry to attract tourists. From Heilongjiang in the northeast to Hainan in the south and from Fujian on the coast to Xinjiang in the west, regions across China are offering incentives to boost tourism.
  2. Regional Initiatives: Provinces like Sichuan are implementing policies such as “buy one get one free” for entry to state-owned tourist attractions, particularly in areas with a significant ethnic minority presence. Similarly, areas like Jiangsu in the east are rolling out initiatives including free entry to popular tourist spots to benefit both locals and visitors during the eight-day holiday period.
  3. Potential for Tourism Growth: With an extended Chinese New Year holiday, the potential for China’s travel market is expected to be further unleashed. Bookings for domestic journeys have seen a significant year-on-year increase, while outbound and inbound travel orders have also surged, indicating a robust recovery in tourism demand.
  4. Market Trends: There is a dual trend observed in both domestic and international travel preferences, with a surge in winter activities and a growing interest in wellness retreats. Companies in the tourism sector are preparing for the peak travel season by securing aviation resources and overseas accommodations to ensure a seamless travel experience for customers.

As China anticipates a busy holiday period, concerted efforts to incentivize tourism and cater to evolving traveler preferences are expected to drive economic growth and foster tourism development across the country.

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